Tuesday, September 28, 2010

End of Summer

Yesterday we saw an enormous V of geese, and the day before, about 125 Sandhill Cranes. The birds are leaving us for warmer climes. Snow fell in Anchorage two days ago. Our nuthatches, pine siskins, redpolls, chickadees, Steller jays, and gray jays will have the feeders to themselves.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

End of Season -- Almost

This morning I planned to write a little end of season elegy. But then, I sat by my kitchen window and saw a lot of activity out there in the backyard. One very quick sighting of a brown creeper, which surprised me, since we have not seen one for weeks. And then -- the two little golden-crowned kinglets appeared. Once again. I had not seen them for about a week, and we figured they had left. But there's been only one night of below freezing temperatures, so they probably still have insects and other food.

No elegy today.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mystery Bird

Yesterday, fortuitously, I glanced out to the backyard just as a large-ish bird swooped across and over the tops of the trees. My very momentary glimpse was that of a brown bird, not dark brown, more medium brown, and somewhat large. Bigger than a robin. Not as big as a large hawk. Definitely brown. No defining white rump patch, as in a Northern Harrier. We studied our Sibley's and decided it might have been an immature sharp-shinned hawk. Since we saw one of those earlier this summer, it would make sense. Speaking of sense, though, my sense was that it was bigger than a sharp-shinned hawk. But what else could it be? One of those questions that may never be answered.

Clearly it was a hawk/predator of some kind. Not one bird in the yard to be seen or heard.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spruce Grouse

This morning, fog swirled around, cool and damp. We walked down our road and saw gathered near the intersection of our street and a lesser-traveled side street, several spruce grouse. The fog seems to suit them, providing some cover. They were in the ditches, which were hollowed out this summer by the borough road maintenance crews. So there is quite a bit of fresh dirt, and the grouse were probably enjoying a dust bath. Last year about this time, we had about 10 spruce grouse in our backyard, flying from one spruce to another.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Faux Peanuts

Yesterday afternoon, I sat outside processing highbush cranberries and noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. Then a Steller jay hopped across the porch railing very near me. I ignored his begging, since we'd already given them their daily ration of peanuts earlier in the day. I continued my work. Again, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him hopping around on the deck to my left. Then I heard a little clunk, and looked up. He'd dropped a small rock on the floor of the deck and was sitting next to it, eying it inquisitively. The rock was shaped exactly like a peanut in the shell, same color and size. The jay had picked it up, thinking he'd found another peanut. Obviously, it was not what he wanted. But, he HAD figured out a way to get my attention and my pity. I threw out a handful of peanuts for him.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another Sighting of our Golden-Crowned Kinglets

Early this afternoon, as the rain and clouds began to clear, we noticed an increase of bird activity in the backyard and then we saw our two golden-crowned kinglets. (I wish I had a photo of them to post on my blog, but since I don't, google "golden crowned kinglets" and look at David Norman's photos. He refers to them as fire-crests. Their crest is truly fiery. I don't want to post the URL without getting permission.) We are so fortunate to have been looking out the window at the right moment. They flitted around the spruce trees, enjoying insects, drops of moisture, and the elusive sunshine, for about 10 minutes.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Last Fling

This morning, feeling somewhat "fallish", I sat outside on the back porch enjoying a few moments of birds and sunshine. Suddenly I saw a ruby-crowned kinglet doing a flyby of our birdbath. I came inside, hoping he or she would return once I was gone. In a little while, I saw the kinglet again but then suddenly there were two golden-crowned kinglets, a mature and immature, visiting the bath. Their little fire-crowns were brilliant as they groomed and bathed. I was thrilled, thinking that this may be the last time of seeing these little warblers this fall. A very special gift from the Universe this morning.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wildlife here and there

Our brother-in-law sent us photos of a screech owl that visited their porchside hanging baskets in Nebraska. Very cute. We saw several sandhill cranes out on the Kenai River flats today, so good to see them still here. We heard that swans are upriver on the Moose. Our backyard today yielded pine siskins, nuthatches, chickadees, gray jays, Steller's jays, and a moose cow and calf. Also one snowshoe hare sitting in the wildflower patch, almost hidden by greenery.