Friday, September 21, 2012

Fun Fun Fun

Two days ago, we saw an immature yellow-rumped warbler, also known as Myrtle's warbler. There was a gathering of juncos and pine siskins at the feeder, during a break in the rain, and one little guy sat off to the side, looking slightly different and behaving slightly differently. I took a look with binoculars, and sure enough, it was an immature warbler. Then yesterday, again during a break in the rain, we saw a ruby-crowned kinglet and a fox sparrow. The fox sparrow was flying around our tripod where we have our recirculating water for the bird bath, but that was disconnected and drained the previous day. So he was looking for his usual bath, but did not find it. Just goes to prove how they are such creatures of habit. The edge of the porch, only a few feet away, holds two small birdbaths, standing water, not recirculating, but the birds tend not to go there unless they are crowded out of the moving birdbath. So he just flew around where it should have been and then left.

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